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Jiangsu Province to enroll more football specialty students in college

By Yutang Sports Friday, 12 Jun 2015 15:33

XTEP China University Football League Final started in Hohai University yesterday, with participants from 16 universities including Hohai University, Tongji University, Soochow University, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Most athletes were football specialty students. 

Jiangsu Province has seven universities that can enroll football athletes as students. In the future, this number would be increased to 15 universities. 

It is reported that the Ministry of Education plans to increase the number of such universities to 200 around the country. 

The province would consider reorganizing school to assist with reaching the goal. Primary schools would have paired middle schools so that football specialty students in primary schools would go to the paired middle schools after graduation. 

The competition in university enrollment for football specialty students is very fierce. Take Hohai University as an example, each year the university can only enroll fewer than 20 such students. 

Source: wj001



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