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China hands over football aid to Palestine

By Wei Ruili Wednesday, 12 Jul 2017 15:00

As reported by CRI Online, on July 7, the hand-over ceremony of the artificial turfs China built for Palestine was held at a stadium in Muḥāfaẓat Rām Allāh wa l Bīra‎‎, Palestine. China’s representative, Chen Xingzhong, director of the Chinese office in Palestine; Major General Lajubu, chairman of the Supreme Committee of Youth Sports in Palestine¹, and around 100 representatives of local residents were present.

Director Chen explained in his speech that football was popular among Palestinian youth. By building artificial turfs for the stadiums, China hopes to help improve the sports facilities and conditions for the youth.

General Lajubu spoke on behalf of his government and expressed gratitude for the assistance of China in the development of sports in Palestine. He believes that it will encourage Palestinian youth to perpetuate the friendship between the two countries.

Director Chen and General Lajubu signed the hand-over certificate of the artificial turf on behalf of their governments, and attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of the stadium.

China and Palestine have signed an assistance agreement in 2015, specifying that China would provide sports resources including artificial turfs and football goals for 22 stadiums in Palestine, in order to help the development of sports and the involvement of young people in sports. 

Source: News.China.com

¹ The organizations’ and people’s names are translated literally from the Chinese text.

Proofread: Linda Barouk 

Tags: football


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